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Recipe e-book Today

A full guide of how to remove ultra-processed foods from your diet, including 18 easy to make recipes

Your Journey to Less Processed, More Delicious

77% of the UK want to eat fewer ultra-processed foods — we know you do too!

For 12 years we’ve been sharing the benefits of a natural plant-based diet and we can’t wait to take more people on this journey with us.

Spot us across London buses, in stores, and online. Plus, we’re giving away 50,000 free Oat Bars to make choosing real food even easier!

Over half of the average UK diet comes from ultra-processed foods”

Less Processed,
More Delicious

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Explore our 100% natural & 100% plant-based range of delicious breakfast & snacking products.

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Merch 4.4
'More Plants' Cosy Cotton Socks
Merch 5.0
Ella markRoasted Peanut Breakfast Bakes
Snacks 5.0
Ella markApple & Almond Breakfast Bakes
Ella markApple, Raisin & Cinnamon Oat Bar
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Chocolate Orange Dipped Almonds
Almond Nut Butter Bites
Oat Bar Variety Box
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