Recipes of the Day
30 mins
4.985 mins
Classes of the Day

10 mins
10-Minute Get...
With Lauren Naomi

10 mins
Cultivating Stillness
With Gelong Thubten
Featured Contents of the Day
70% of women and just over 50% of men have had imposter syndrome, a constant, nagging sense of self-doubt, insecurity and the fear that others think we’re not good enough to be doing what we’re doing. In today’s episode we talk to clinical psychologist Dr Jessamy Hibberd about how to get comfortable being uncomfortable; how to differentiate between everyday fear and the negative thought patterns that hold us back and how to create a new mindset that allows us to celebrate our achievements and escape the mind-trap of insecurity that so many of us fall into.
Dr Jessamy Hibberd - The Imposter Cure: How to Stop Feeling Like a Fraud and Escape the Mind-trap of Imposter Syndrome
Sheryl Sandberg - Lean In
Dr Steve Peters - The Chimp Paradox
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